Syria Relief Joins 37 Charities As Funds Are Cut
Syrians are facing record food insecurity levels and a declining socio-economic conditions.
“Today’s pledged funds are urgently needed by millions of Syrians at home and dispersed across the region. They are needed now more than ever. While we welcome countries’ pledges that have kept their funding at similar levels to last year’s or increased it, as did Germany, it is extremely disappointing to see two major donors, the UK and the US, turn their back on the plight of Syrians. This will have a devastating impact on their lives.
Syrians are facing record food insecurity levels and a declining socio-economic conditions. Needs have increased dramatically over the last year. Over 13 million people are in need of humanitarian assistance inside Syria, with 12.4 million food insecure and another 1.8 million at risk of becoming so. 12 million people are in need of health assistance, yet health care facilities continue to come under attack. During a pandemic, 12.2 million lack regular access to clean water, while almost 6 million are in need of shelter.
We urge donors to renew and increase support shown to date, to maintain and increase humanitarian access - both within Syria and across its borders - and we call on parties to the conflict to uphold the ceasefire, especially in northern Syria.”
Signed by:
Access Center for Human Rights (ACHR)
Action Against Hunger
Amals Healing and Advocacy Center
Basamat for Development
Bonyan Organization
Bousla Development & Innovation
CARE International
Catholic Agency for Overseas Development (CAFOD)
Centre D'accès Pour Les Droits de l'Homme (ACHR)
Christian Aid
Danish Refugee Council
Diakonie Katastrophenhilfe
Humanity & Inclusion
International Humanitarian Relief (IHR)
International Rescue Committee
Jana Watan
Jesuit Refugee Service MENA
Lamsat Ward
Médecins du Monde
Mennonite Central Committee
Mercy Corps
Norwegian Church Aid
Norwegian Refugee Council
Oxfam International
Save the Children
Syrian American Medical Society (SAMS)
Syrian Expatriate Medical Association (SEMA)
Syria Relief
Syria Relief & Development (SRD)
War Child
World Vision International
Zenobia Association for Syrian Women